septiembre 2024

Stolen Shadows: The Story of the Boy Who Saved the Magic Kingdom

This time I have a mysterious story about something strange that happened in a small town. I think you’ll like this story. Make yourselves comfortable and pay attention.

In a small, picturesque town called Snow-Shadow, life used to go on peacefully, with its cobblestone streets and brightly colored houses reflecting the joy of its inhabitants. But one day, something strange began to happen. People noticed that their shadows, those dark figures that always accompanied them, began to disappear without a trace. At first, it was just one or two people, but soon, the entire town was affected.

Without a shadow, people felt strange, as if something vital had been taken away from them. The mystery of the missing shadows soon became the main topic of conversation, and no one knew what to do.

Among the town’s inhabitants, there was a boy named Mateo, a curious and brave ten-year-old boy, who … Leer Más

Sombras Perdidas: La Historia del Niño valiente que Salvó el Reino Mágico

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Children on their Magic Bicycles and Aliens on the Moon: A Lesson in Universal Peace.

One sunny day, Lucas, Sofia and Tomas decided to take a ride on their magic bikes, not knowing that this time their destination would be neither the past nor a distant place on Earth. As they pedaled, they suddenly felt something different happening. A ray of light enveloped them, and before they knew it, they were softly landing on the surface of the Moon.


Amazed by the grey and mysterious landscape, the three friends began to explore. After a while, they discovered something that left them speechless: an alien base hidden among the rocks. Without thinking twice, they approached with curiosity. In front of them appeared a group of aliens, beings with shiny skin and large eyes, who emitted sounds that seemed like distant songs, like the echo of whales in the deep ocean.

Although they could not understand what the aliens were saying, Lucas, Sofia and Tomas sensed … Leer Más

Los Niños en sus Bicicletas Mágicas y los Extraterrestres en la luna: Una Lección de Paz Universal.

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Dario, the Dragon Who Wanted to Be a Chef: A Tale with moral. Teaching perseverance to children,

Today I’m going to tell you the story of a dragon boy who dreamed of being a chef.
Don’t you think a dragon wants to be a chef? Listen to the story.

On top of a mountain lived a family of dragons. Each one of them was feared in the nearby villages, not because they wanted to do harm, but because that was what dragons were expected to do: throw fire and scare the villagers. However, Dario, the youngest dragon in the family, had other dreams.


Dario didn’t enjoy scaring people or burning their crops. For as long as he could remember, his true passion was… cooking! He spent hours in the kitchen of the family cave, experimenting with ingredients he found in the forest and perfecting recipes he invented. While the other dragons practiced their roar, Dario was busy learning to control his fire to caramelize sugar … Leer Más

Darío, el Dragón que Quería Ser Chef-Una Historia con Moraleja

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Mysterious Footprints: An Adventure of the Forest Detectives Club

Today I’m going to tell you about the Forest Detectives Club.

In a corner of the forest, where the trees whispered and the air always smelled of fresh leaves, lived a group of inseparable friends: Rolo the raccoon, Nina the squirrel, Tito the owl and Lila the fox. Together they formed the Forest Detectives Club. Their mission: to solve the mysteries that occurred in their home among the trees.


One day, when the sun was just beginning to set behind the mountains, Rolo found an intriguing clue. There were strange footprints near his burrow, but they weren’t from any of the animals that lived in the forest.

«This is strange,» said Rolo, calling out to the rest of the club. «Look at these footprints! They’re not from a rabbit, or a deer, or any other animal we know of.»

Nina, with her agile legs, ran to examine the … Leer Más

Huellas Misteriosas: Una Aventura del Club de loss Detectives del Bosque.

Hoy te voy a platicar sobre el Club de los Detectives del Bosque.</p

En un rincón del bosque, donde los árboles susurraban y el aire siempre olía a hojas frescas, vivía un grupo de amigos inseparables: Rolo el mapache, Nina la ardilla, Tito el búho y Lila la zorra. Juntos formaban El Club de los Detectives del Bosque. Su misión: resolver los misterios que ocurrían en su hogar entre los árboles.


Un día, cuando el sol apenas comenzaba a esconderse detrás de las montañas, Rolo encontró una pista intrigante. Había huellas extrañas cerca de su madriguera, pero no eran de ninguno de los animales que vivían en el bosque.

—Esto es raro —dijo Rolo, llamando al resto del club—. ¡Miren estas huellas! No son de un conejo, ni de un ciervo, ni de ningún otro animal que conozcamos.

Nina, con sus ágiles patas, corrió a examinar las huellas … Leer Más