marzo 2024

Una vieja fea

Las Cosas Extrañas De Mi Tia Luisa

Para la publicación de estas historias en Amazon Kindle, utilice el seudónimo de Don Manuel Robles Bernal y fueron publicadas como libros digitales en Amazon.

Si tienes interés en bajarlas a tu computadora o a tu móvil puedes buscarlas en Amazon Libros de Kindle con el nombre de «Las Cosas Extrañas Historias De Mi Tia Luisa.» O solo da un click sobre el enlace.

Otra buena opción es que abras en tu buscador y escribas exactamente «Las Cosas Extrañas De Mi Tia Luisa». Este te lleva directamente a la página de amazon donde vas a poder bajar cualquiera o todos los libros sobre este tema.

En este blog y en el canal de Yutube estaremos publicando más video historias de terror. Asi que, si este tema te interesa, no dejes de SUSCRIBIRTE  al canal  y darle un toque a la campanita para que se te envíen notificaciones en cada ocasión en que publiquemos un nuevo video.

De tu amigo

Victor Martínez Becerril

Tortuga con alas

La tortuga amarilla que quería volar. Estaba soñando y sorprendió a todos sus amigos.

Érase una vez una tortuga amarilla llamada Terry que tuvo un sueño peculiar. Quería volar. Pero en un mundo donde las tortugas nacían para gatear, su deseo parecía imposible. Sin embargo, la imaginación de Terry no tenía límites. Todos los días, miraba al cielo y observaba al águila volar con gracia, al cuervo sumergirse entre […]

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Tortuga amarilla

The turtle that wanted to fly, dreaming and amazing all his friends.

Once upon a time, there lived a yellow turtle named Terry who had a peculiar dream. He wanted to fly. But in a world where turtles were born to crawl, his desire seemed impossible. Nonetheless, Terry’s imagination knew no bounds. Every day, he would gaze up at the sky, watching the eagle soar gracefully, the […]

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The Story of Two Brothers, Saul and Mario

In a picturesque town called Green Valley , there lived two very special brothers: Saul and Mario. Since they were little, everyone noticed their differences. Saul was tall and thin like a reed, while Mario was shorter but robust like an oak. Despite their opposite appearances, they were inseparable and shared an unbreakable brotherly connection. […]

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Saul y Mario, Dos Hermanos Con Determinación

En un pintoresco pueblo llamado Valle Verde, vivían dos hermanos muy especiales: Saul y Mario. Desde pequeños, todos notaban sus diferencias. Saul era alto y delgado como un junco, mientras que Mario era más bajo pero robusto como un roble. A pesar de sus apariencias opuestas, eran inseparables y compartían una conexión fraternal inquebrantable. Sin […]

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Luna triste

The Garden of Magic Butterflies

This is the story of The Garden of Magic Butterflies, but first let’s look at some observations for the educator or the parents of the boy or girl:

Story elements:
The Butterfly Garden, An evil and envious witch, a brave girl named Luna and the children who listen to and see this story.

What is the educational objective of this story?
This story teaches children about the importance of courage, friendship and perseverance. It also promotes appreciation of nature and understanding of how our actions can affect other living beings.
Kids can be part of the adventure by helping Luna find magical ingredients to undo the witch’s spell.
They can search the garden for visual clues and solve simple puzzles to advance the story.

By interacting with the characters and the environment, children immerse themselves in the magical world of the story and experience the thrill of saving the magical garden and the butterflies.

This narrative seeks to captivate children with Luna’s adventure and transmit to them values ​​of bravery, friendship and love for nature, all wrapped in a magical and fascinating environment.

LET’S GO TO THE STORY: From this point, the educator, or the parents of the boy or girl, must show the video to the child or children, to help them in their imagination.

In a hidden corner of the world, where the sun’s rays gently caressed the earth and the flowers danced to the rhythm of the wind,

There was a unique and special garden known as «The Garden of Magic Butterflies».This garden, full of vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances, was home to butterflies endowed with magical powers that filled the air with their grace and beauty.

However, one dark day, an evil witch known as Morgana, jealous of the joy and light that the garden radiated, cast a dark spell on the butterflies.

The spell deprived the winged creatures of their magic, plunging the garden into sadness and darkness.

In the midst of this disaster, a brave girl named Luna, whose love for nature was as vast as the sky, heard the garden’s call for help.

With a brave and determined heart, Luna ventured through the enchanted forest towards the garden, determined to restore magic and happiness.

Upon arriving at the garden, Luna found a devastating scene: the flowers had lost their vitality, and the butterflies, once resplendent, now lay in total silence on the leaves.

Determined to help, Luna approached one of the butterflies and heard its faint hum.

The butterfly, barely able to speak, explained what had happened and begged him to undo Morgana’s spell.

Determined to fulfill her mission, Luna set off. He scoured the garden, looking for magical ingredients that could break the spell.

With each step, she discovered clues and riddles left by the butterflies to guide her in her search.

He faced challenges and obstacles, but with each victory, the garden came to life again.

Finally, after a search full of adventures and learning,

Luna found the main ingredient: a rainbow tear,

the purest essence of magic.

With determination, Luna returned to the heart of the garden

and spoke the magic words, releasing the rainbow tear and undoing Morgana’s spell.

With a flash of light, magic returned to the garden.

The flowers bloomed again, and the butterflies regained their brightness and joy.

The garden, once again, became a place of wonder and awe.

Grateful for your bravery and kindness,

The butterflies took Luna on a joyous flight through the garden,

filling the air with laughter and songs.

And so, between laughter and bright colors,

Luna understood the true power of friendship, bravery and love for nature.

Since that day, the Garden of Magical Butterflies

blossomed in a new light, reminding everyone that,

Even in the darkest times, hope and magic are never truly lost.

Luna y las mariposas magicas felices y brillantes de nuevo gracias a Luna

El Jardín de las mariposas mágicas

Este es el cuento de El Jardín de las Mariposas Mágicas, pero primero veamos algunas observaciones para el educador o a los padres del niño o niña: Elementos del cuento: El jardin de las mariposas, Una bruja malvada y envidiosa, una niña valiente llamada Luna y los niños que escuchan y ven este cuento. ¿Cual […]

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Bienvenida al canal en Youtube

Hola, Espero se encuentren muy bien. Los saludo de parte del señor Victor Martinez Becerril, propietario de este canal de video cuentos infantiles. Este canal es bilingüe, estaremos publicando cuentos infantiles en español y en inglés. ¿Porque se creó cuentos Infantiles? Los cuentos infantiles son una forma maravillosa de introducir a los niños al mundo de la fantasía. Estas historias llenas de magia, aventuras y enseñanzas no solo entretienen a los pequeños, sino que también estimulan su imaginación y creatividad., los cuentos ofrecen un sinfín de lecciones y valores importantes para los niños. ¿Y cuáles son las intenciones de este canal? Permítanme aclarar, en una forma muy breve, que este canal ha sido desarrollado como una herramienta para ayudarles a los padres y a los responsables en el cuidado de niños y niñas, presentándoles los cuentos infantiles que a los niños y niñas les gustan, sobré todo a la hora de irse a dormir. Aunque muchos de nuestros cuentos llevan un mensaje moral, nuestros videos no llevan el propósito de educarlos, solo sugerir un buen comportamiento. Nunca intentaremos presentar nuestro material para sustituir a los verdaderos responsables de esa labor. que son los padres y educadores profesionales. Esperamos que disfruten estos breves video-cuentos y si les agradan, por favor suscríbase al canal, déjenos sus comentarios y dele un toque a la campanita para que se le informe en cada ocasión que subamos nuevos videos. Gracias por su visita. Que tengan un día excelente. Ahora, si nos lo permiten, vamos a darles la bienvenida e este canal a nuestros amigos y amigas que hablan inglés. Gracias.


Hello, I hope you are well. Greetings from Mister Victor Martinez, owner of this children’s video story channel. This channel is bilingual, we will be publishing children’s stories in Spanish and English. Why were children’s stories created? Children’s stories are a wonderful way to introduce children to the world of fantasy. These stories full of magic, adventures and teachings, they will not only entertain your kids, but also stimulate their imagination and creativity. The stories offer endless important lessons and values for children. And what are the intentions of this channel? Let me clarify, in a very brief way, that this channel has been developed as a tool to help parents and those responsible for the care of children, presenting them with children’s stories that children like, especially at the time to go to sleep. Although many of our stories carry a moral message, our videos are not intended to educate your kids, only to suggest good behavior. We will never try to present our material to replace those truly responsible for that work. who are parents and professional educators. We hope you enjoy these short video stories and if you like them, please subscribe to the channel, leave us your comments and tap the bell to be informed every time we upload new videos. Thanks for your visit. Have a great day.