julio 2024

Autoaceptación y Valor, Mia la Mariposa valiente en el jardín encantado

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Self-acceptance and Courage, Mia the brave Butterfly in the enchanted garden,

I want to tell you the story of a butterfly who thought she was ugly and that no one wanted her and how it happened that one day, her courage and determination made her the town’s heroine and also the most loved by everyone.

In a forgotten corner of the world, hidden between valleys and mountains that touch the sky, lies a magical place known as the Enchanted Garden. This garden, a tapestry of vibrant colors and intoxicating aromas, is the home of Mía, a small butterfly with muted colors that, unlike her resplendent companions, leads a life of shadows and silences.

#bravebutterfly #enchantedgarden #childselfacceptance #courageinchildren #braverystories #personalgrowthforboysandgirls #butterflytale #teachingvalues #facingfears

Mia always felt different. Her wings, although strong, did not reflect the brilliant blues or radiant reds of the other butterflies. In this world where being striking was synonymous with beauty, Mía took refuge in the least visited corners … Leer Más

La Cueva de las Estrellas: Trabajo en Equipo, Colaboración y Amistad en una Cueva Mágica.

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The Cave of Stars: Teamwork, Collaboration and Friendship in a Magic Cave.

On this day, I am going to tell you a story of solidarity and collaboration. I want to show you with this story that solidarity and collaboration are human values that help us solve many problems in life.


In the heart of an enchanted forest lived a group of animal friends, each with special abilities. These friends were Leo the lion, Mia the butterfly, Tito the turtle, and Zuri the fox. One day, while exploring the forest, they found a mysterious cave, whose walls shone with the radiance of thousands of stars.

#ChildrensStory #Teamwork #Collaboration #Values #Friendship #MagicalCave #Adventure #ForestAnimals #Stars #LifeLesson

Intrigued by the discovery, the friends decided to enter. As they moved forward, they realized that the cave was full of ancient inscriptions and drawings. In the center, there was a large mural that seemed to tell a story. However, the stars began to fade one by … Leer Más

Lia the Turtle and the Magic Waterfall: A Tale of Patience, Perseverance, and Self-Faith

Hello. What do you think if we talk about an adventure of Lía the turtle, who wanted to see the magical waterfall? If that’s okay with you, then let’s get to know this adventure.


In a quiet corner of the Enchanted Forest, there lived a young turtle named Lía. Lía was known for her kind heart, her curious nature, and her strong belief in herself. She had heard stories about a magical waterfall on the other side of the forest, where the water sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight. Since I was little, I dreamed of seeing that wonder.

One morning, Lía decided that the time had come to begin her journey. She said goodbye to her friends, who encouraged her and wished her luck. With her shell well adjusted, Lía began to walk slowly towards the other side of the forest, advancing with the conviction that she … Leer Más

Lia la tortuga que quería ver la cascada mágica

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A story of abuse and humiliation with redemption

On this occasion, I want to tell you a story of abuse and humiliation with redemption. The story takes place in an elementary school where there was typically a group of abusive boys and a girl who received their attacks silently and without protest.


In a small town called Armonía, there lived two children with very different personalities. Carla, a kind and humble girl, was always willing to help her classmates at school. Martín, on the other hand, was very proud and often made fun of others, especially Carla, because he thought that being nice was a sign of weakness.

At school, Martin led a group of children who made fun of everything and everyone, especially Carla. They called her «Carla the Complaisant» because she always offered her help to everyone. Carla felt sad and alone, but she remained kind, hoping that one day Martín and his group would … Leer Más

Una historia de abusos y humillaciones con redención

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The mystery of the Enchanted Forest – Children’s Story with Moral

Once upon a time, in a small town surrounded by hills and rivers, there was a girl named Clara. Clara was known for her curiosity and bravery. She was always looking for new adventures and mysteries to solve.
One day, while walking in the field near her house, she discovered a path that she had never seen before.

The path was covered in golden leaves and seemed to lead to a magical forest, illuminated by a soft golden light that filtered through the trees.

«I’m going to find out what’s at the end of this path,» Clara thought excitedly. Without thinking twice, he entered the enchanted forest.

As Clara walked, she began to hear soft voices, it seemed like they were discussing something important. She looked around and saw a group of small animals gathered in a clearing. There was a white rabbit, a red fox and a wise … Leer Más

El misterio del Bosque Encantado- Cuento Infantil con Moraleja

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