Tortuga amarilla

The turtle that wanted to fly, dreaming and amazing all his friends.

Once upon a time, there lived a yellow turtle named Terry who had a peculiar dream.

He wanted to fly. But in a world where turtles were born to crawl, his desire seemed impossible.

Nonetheless, Terry’s imagination knew no bounds.

Every day, he would gaze up at the sky, watching the eagle soar gracefully, the crow dive through the clouds, and the hummingbird flutter with delicate elegance.

Terry yearned to be like them.

One sunny day, as his friends gathered near the pond, Terry shared his dream.

«I wish I could fly like the eagle, the crow, and the hummingbird. Wouldn’t that be amazing?» he said with excitement.

The eagle, crow, and hummingbird exchanged puzzled glances but decided to play along.

The eagle, known for his wisdom, volunteered to show Terry how to fly.

He taught him about currents of wind, the art of gliding, and the importance of timing. Terry diligently listened, absorbing every word.

The crow, full of curiosity, taught him how to soar through forests and land gracefully on tree branches.

Meanwhile, the tiny hummingbird, with his vibrant wings, shared secrets about hovering and darting from flower to flower.

As Terry practiced what he learned, his friends were astonished.

They watched in awe as he flawlessly imitated each of their flying styles.

The eagle, crow, and hummingbird couldn’t believe their eyes.

Word of Terry’s achievement spread among the animal kingdom, and soon, creatures from far and wide came to witness the yellow turtle that defied nature.

The once-doubtful turtle had become an inspiration.

Animals would gather around, cheering him on as he explored the sky.

Terry’s dream had come true, and he took great pleasure in dazzling everyone with his aerial acrobatics.

One day, as Terry soared high above, he realized that flying wasn’t just about defying gravity.

It was about believing in oneself, pushing boundaries, and inspiring others.

Although Terry’s ability to fly may have seemed extraordinary, he knew that the true magic lay in the power of dreams and the determination to make them come true.

From that day forward, Terry continued to amaze his friends, filling their lives with hope and wonder.

The eagle, crow, and hummingbird were proud to call Terry their friend, and together, they showed the world that even the most improbable dreams can take flight.

And as the yellow turtle gracefully soared through the sky, his heart was filled with boundless joy, knowing that he had touched countless lives with his unwavering spirit.

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La tortuga amarilla que quería volar. Estaba soñando y sorprendió a todos sus amigos.

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