stories with a moral

The Magic Tree That Told Stories – Stories with Values for Children.

Have you ever thought that trees are intelligent? Here I tell you about a tree that told stories. I hope you like it.

In the heart of an enchanted forest, there was a very special tree. Its branches were strong and ancient, and its leaves, which were always green, shone as if magic itself ran through them. This tree had a unique gift: it could tell stories. But it was not an ordinary tree; only those children who showed true respect for nature could find their way to it. Its name was known by few as “The Tree that Told Stories,” and its stories always brought an important lesson.


One sunny morning, Sara and Leo, two curious and adventurous siblings, decided to explore the forest near their house. As they walked, they went deeper and deeper into the paths, until they saw something incredible: a clearing surrounded by wild flowers, in the center of which stood a majestic tree that seemed to invite them to come closer. Intrigued, the children approached carefully, and as soon as they sat under its shade, the tree, with a soft, deep voice, began to speak.

“Welcome, little ones,” said the tree in a murmur that sounded like the whisper of the wind. “I am glad to see that you respect this place. As a reward, I will tell you a story that will leave you with a valuable lesson.”

Sara and Leo’s eyes sparkled with excitement as they listened attentively.

The First Story: The Lesson of Respect

“Once upon a time,” the tree began, “there was a rabbit and a deer who lived in a beautiful valley. The rabbit was very fast and always made fun of the deer for being slower. However, the deer, although slower, was wise and respected all animals, big and small. One day, the rabbit got into trouble when he did not respect a warning and entered a dangerous cave. It was the deer, with his calm and respect for nature, who rescued him. Thus, the rabbit learned that respect for others, even those who seem different, is essential to living in harmony.

Sara and Leo looked at each other, understanding the importance of respecting each other and also the plants and animals of the forest. They thanked the tree for the story and promised to return.

The next day, the two brothers returned to the clearing, this time accompanied by some friends. They sat under the tree, and again, the old tree offered them another tale.

The Second Tale: The Lesson of Patience

“Many years ago,” the tree began, “a little turtle lived near a river. He was very impatient, he wanted to swim as fast as the fish and run as fast as the rabbits. One day, the turtle decided to challenge the river and cross it in one go. But having no patience, he quickly became exhausted and almost drowned. Over time, he learned that with calmness and perseverance, he could cross the river, little by little, enjoying every step of the way. Thus, the turtle discovered that patience is a great virtue, and that everything is achieved in due time.

The children reflected on how important patience is, especially in a world where everything sometimes seems rushed. The tree smiled at them with its silent wisdom.

A week later, Sara, Leo, and an even larger group of friends returned to the tree’s clearing. Sitting under its shade, the old tree began to tell them another tale.

The Third Tale: The Lesson of Empathy

—Deep in the forest lived a little mouse who was afraid of all animals larger than him. One day, while walking, he saw a fox and decided it was best not to approach it. “It will surely catch me,” thought the mouse. But what the mouse didn’t know was that the fox had become trapped under a fallen branch and needed help. The mouse, overcoming his fear, approached and, seeing the situation, helped the fox to free himself. It was then that he understood that we should not judge others without knowing their situation. The fox thanked him, and from that day on, the two were great friends. Thus, the mouse learned that empathy, putting oneself in another’s shoes, is key to helping and understanding others.

The children listened attentively, understanding that it is not always easy to understand what others are going through, but that it is important to be kind and help whenever they can.

With each visit to the tree, Sara, Leo and their friends took away a valuable lesson. The Storyteller Tree taught them that respect, patience and empathy are virtues that should blossom in their hearts, like little seeds of wisdom. Each time the children returned to the forest, the tree was waiting for them, knowing that there would always be a new story to tell and a new lesson to learn.

And so, the Storyteller Tree continued to whisper its stories to the wind, helping generations of children grow up with hearts full of kindness and wisdom.

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Take care, have a nice day and thanks for reading my stories. See you soon.


Dario, the Dragon Who Wanted to Be a Chef: A Tale with moral. Teaching perseverance to children,

Today I’m going to tell you the story of a dragon boy who dreamed of being a chef.
Don’t you think a dragon wants to be a chef? Listen to the story.

On top of a mountain lived a family of dragons. Each one of them was feared in the nearby villages, not because they wanted to do harm, but because that was what dragons were expected to do: throw fire and scare the villagers. However, Dario, the youngest dragon in the family, had other dreams.


Dario didn’t enjoy scaring people or burning their crops. For as long as he could remember, his true passion was… cooking! He spent hours in the kitchen of the family cave, experimenting with ingredients he found in the forest and perfecting recipes he invented. While the other dragons practiced their roar, Dario was busy learning to control his fire to caramelize sugar or roast vegetables to perfection.

One evening, during family dinner, Dario gathered his courage and decided to share his dream:

“Family, I have something important to tell you. I don’t want to keep scaring villages. My true dream is to be a chef and open my own restaurant,” he said with a sparkle in his eyes.

The other dragons looked at him in disbelief. His older brother, Drago, burst out laughing.

“A chef dragon! What kind of joke is that, Dario? Dragons scare, they don’t cook,” he said with contempt.

His father, the great Ferocious Dragon, wasn’t very happy with the idea either.

“Dragons have been guardians of these mountains for generations. It’s our tradition. Cooking is a job for humans, not dragons,” he said sternly.

But Dario didn’t give up. He knew his passion was genuine, and he was determined to prove to his family that a dragon could also be a chef. So, instead of arguing, he dedicated himself to further improving his culinary skills.

Day after day, Dario perfected his dishes. He learned to control the fire in his breath to cook at just the right temperature. Soon, meals at home became a feast. His parents, though reluctant at first, began to notice how delicious everything Dario prepared was. His fame as a cook began to spread throughout the nearby villages.

One day, during the town’s big festival, Dario decided it was the perfect time to show off his talent. He showed up in the main square with a large pot and began cooking a magical stew of forest herbs and meat roasted over dragon fire. The villagers, at first fearful, watched in curiosity as Dario worked.

The delicious aroma filled the air, and one by one, the villagers began to approach. A few brave ones tried his food, and soon, they were all praising his dishes. Not only had he cooked an amazing meal, but he had won the hearts of the villagers with his kindness and passion.

«This stew is the best I’ve ever had!» —exclaimed one villager.

—He’s a dragon chef! —said another excitedly.

That night, Dario returned to the cave with his heart full of pride. His family was waiting for him, but this time there was no laughter or criticism. His father, the Fierce Dragon, looked at him with pride.

—Dario, I always believed that our tradition was the most important thing, but today you have shown me that dreams are as important as any tradition. I’m proud of you, son —he said, patting him on the back.

From that day on, Dario opened his own restaurant in the valley, which they called «The Dragon’s Glow,» where he cooked the most exquisite dishes with a touch of dragon fire. Villagers and dragons from all corners came to try his recipes.

And that was how Dario showed that with passion and effort, even dragons can be the best chefs.