moon adventure

Children on their Magic Bicycles and Aliens on the Moon: A Lesson in Universal Peace.

One sunny day, Lucas, Sofia and Tomas decided to take a ride on their magic bikes, not knowing that this time their destination would be neither the past nor a distant place on Earth. As they pedaled, they suddenly felt something different happening. A ray of light enveloped them, and before they knew it, they were softly landing on the surface of the Moon.


Amazed by the grey and mysterious landscape, the three friends began to explore. After a while, they discovered something that left them speechless: an alien base hidden among the rocks. Without thinking twice, they approached with curiosity. In front of them appeared a group of aliens, beings with shiny skin and large eyes, who emitted sounds that seemed like distant songs, like the echo of whales in the deep ocean.

Although they could not understand what the aliens were saying, Lucas, Sofia and Tomas sensed that these beings did not come with hostile intentions. The aliens tried to communicate, showing friendly symbols and gestures, but the children could not understand. Then, Sofia remembered how whales and dolphins communicate through frequencies that travel great distances underwater. What if the aliens tried something similar?

“I think their language is like that of whales,” Sofia said excitedly. “Maybe we can help them so that humans can understand them!”

With that idea in mind, the three children proposed to the aliens that they work together to create an instrument that could translate their sounds into words understandable to humans. The aliens enthusiastically agreed and showed them special crystals they had collected on the Moon. These crystals could amplify and modify sound waves, which would allow them to create a universal translator.

Tomás and Lucas helped assemble the device, connecting the lunar crystals with the advanced technology of the alien base. After several attempts, they managed to create the galactic translator. With it, the aliens were finally able to transmit their message. The children were surprised to hear the first clear and kind words from the aliens:

—We are part of the Confederation of Civilizations of the Galaxy. We have come in peace, sent to help Earthlings solve the problems that have led them to war.

The aliens explained that the Confederation had been watching Earth for centuries, concerned about the constant conflicts and wars that divided humanity. They wanted to help humans find a path to peace, but they had never managed to communicate due to differences in language and sound frequencies.

Lucas, Sofia and Tomás were excited to learn that they could be part of something so important. Through the translator, they helped the aliens send their message to Earth’s leaders. The message was clear: if humans did not learn to communicate better with each other, they would continue to make the same mistakes. The key was cooperation, empathy and understanding.

As the message of peace spread across the planet, something incredible began to happen. The nations of Earth, which had previously been in conflict, began to work together to solve their problems. The advanced technology of the Galactic Confederation, combined with the willingness of humans to change, led to the creation of new solutions to end poverty, inequality, and war.

Eventually, Earth entered an era of peace. Humans understood that only through open communication and collaboration could they prosper as a species. The aliens returned to their galaxy knowing that their mission was accomplished, but not before saying goodbye to Lucas, Sofia, and Tomas, thanking them for their help.

The three children returned home with their hearts full of pride, knowing that they had been part of something much bigger than they ever imagined. And although they returned to their normal lives, they would always remember the adventure that changed the destiny of humanity and taught them the importance of listening and understanding others.