enero 2025

A Treasure in the Windmill🌳 | Uncle Augustin’s Children’s Stories

In Grandma’s quiet orchard, the Chicago Air Motor windmill spun slowly, driven by the breeze. One afternoon, while Uncle Augustine was fixing some blades, a sudden storm blew up. The children, sheltered under the mulberry tree, watched with curiosity as the wind swirled leaves and branches around the windmill.


Suddenly, something unusual happened: an old parchment got caught between the blades. Uncle Augustine, always intrepid, carefully retrieved it. «Look at this, children!» he exclaimed, holding the parchment out in front of the children. It was an old map, with drawings of trees, paths, and an «X» marked in the center of the orchard.

«This windmill always has surprises in store,» Uncle Augustine said with a mischievous grin. «Looks like we’re on a mission.» Without a second thought, the children—Ana, Diego, and Sofi—offered to help. Armed with flashlights, shovels, and the map, the group began exploring.

The first clue … Leer Más

El Tesoro en el Molino de viento🌳 | Historias Infantiles de Tío Agustín

En el tranquilo huerto de la abuela, el molino de viento Chicago Air Motor giraba lentamente, impulsado por la brisa. Una tarde, mientras Tío Agustín arreglaba unas aspas, se desató una tormenta repentina. Los niños, refugiados bajo el árbol de moras, observaban con curiosidad cómo el viento arremolinaba hojas y ramas alrededor del molino.


De repente, algo insólito ocurrió: un viejo pergamino quedó atrapado entre las aspas. Tío Agustín, siempre intrépido, lo recuperó con cuidado. «¡Miren esto, niños!», exclamó, extendiendo el pergamino frente a los niños. Era un mapa antiguo, con dibujos de árboles, caminos y una «X» marcada en el centro del huerto.

«Este molino siempre guarda sorpresas», dijo Tío Agustín con una sonrisa traviesa. «Parece que tenemos una misión.» Sin pensarlo dos veces, los niños—Ana, Diego y Sofi—se ofrecieron a ayudar. Armados con linternas, palas y el mapa, el grupo comenzó a explorar.

La primera pista los … Leer Más

The Mill of Forgotten Heroes | Stories to Dream | Fantasy and Life Lessons

Under the blackberry tree in Grandma’s orchard, Uncle Augustine settled into his weathered wooden chair, his straight-brimmed hat strapped on. Two boys and three girls, eyes bright with curiosity, gathered around him as the last rays of the sun tinted the sky orange and purple. The Chicago Air Motor windmill turned slowly in the background, illuminated by the soft light of dusk.


«You know,» Uncle Augustine said, stroking his mustache, «this windmill isn’t like the others. There are afternoons like this when, if you listen carefully, you can hear it whisper stories.»

The children exchanged surprised glances. «Stories?» asked Anita, hugging her sketchbook.

Uncle Augustine nodded. «A long time ago, this windmill witnessed forgotten heroes, people who made a difference with acts of bravery and solidarity. And when the wind is right, it tells us their stories.»

That afternoon, the wind began to blow softly, turning the windmill’s … Leer Más

El Molino de los Héroes Olvidados | Historias para Soñar | Fantasía y Lecciones de Vida

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