octubre 2024

The Mirror That told the Future-A Lesson for Kids About Responsible Choices

Today, I will tell you a story about a magic mirror that a group of children found in a museum. The mirror revealed a possible future to each child. Each of them could make it come true or improve it with the option of changing in time. What is the lesson of the mirror? Let’s see!

It was a sunny day when the sixth grade class arrived at the Old City Museum. The children were excited about the excursion, especially Leo, Tomas and Clara, three inseparable friends who loved adventures. After touring the galleries full of ancient artifacts and mysterious statues, the group arrived at a room closed to the public. A red tape surrounded it and a sign warned: «Restricted Access.» However, a small half-open corner revealed a bright flash inside.

Curiosity was stronger than the warning, and Leo could not resist. «Come on, we’ll just take a quick … Leer Más

El Espejo que Mostraba el Futuro-Una Lección para Niños sobre las Decisiones Responsables

Hoy, te contaré la historia de un espejo mágico que un grupo de niños encontró en un museo. El espejo les revelo un futuro posible a cada niño. Cada uno de ellos, podía hacerlo realidad o mejorarlo con la opción de cambiar a tiempo. ¿Cual es la lección del espejo?. ¡Veamos!.


Era un día soleado cuando la clase de sexto grado llegó al Museo Antiguo de la Ciudad. Los niños estaban emocionados por la excursión, especialmente Leo, Tomás y Clara, tres amigos inseparables que adoraban las aventuras. Tras recorrer las galerías llenas de artefactos antiguos y estatuas misteriosas, el grupo llegó a una sala cerrada al público. Una cinta roja la rodeaba y un cartel advertía: «Acceso Restringido». Sin embargo, un pequeño rincón entreabierto les reveló un destello brillante en su interior.

La curiosidad fue más fuerte que la advertencia, y Leo no pudo resistirse. “Vamos, sólo echaremos un … Leer Más

The Magic Tree That Told Stories – Stories with Values for Children.

Have you ever thought that trees are intelligent? Here I tell you about a tree that told stories. I hope you like it.

In the heart of an enchanted forest, there was a very special tree. Its branches were strong and ancient, and its leaves, which were always green, shone as if magic itself ran through them. This tree had a unique gift: it could tell stories. But it was not an ordinary tree; only those children who showed true respect for nature could find their way to it. Its name was known by few as “The Tree that Told Stories,” and its stories always brought an important lesson.


One sunny morning, Sara and Leo, two curious and adventurous siblings, decided to explore the forest near their house. As they walked, they went deeper and deeper into the paths, until they saw something incredible: a clearing surrounded by wild … Leer Más

La historia del árbol que contaba cuentos infantiles

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The Talking Clock Adventure – Time Travel, Adventure Stories, and Magic

There is a story that I have remembered from the tales that my old Uncle Agustin told us when we were children. Today I am telling it to you. I hope you like it.

In a small house at the end of a quiet alley, young Martin was spending the holidays with his grandmother. One afternoon, while exploring the attic, he found an old wall clock covered in dust. Its design was magnificent, with intricate engravings of flowers and animals. Without thinking, he approached it and when he touched it, the clock came to life.


“Hello, little adventurer!” said the clock in a deep, resonant voice. “I am Cronos, the guardian of time. I have been waiting for someone like you.”

Martin, surprised but excited, could not believe what he heard. The clock explained to him that each hour contained a tale from times past and that there was … Leer Más

La Aventura del Reloj Parlante -Viajes en el Tiempo, Historias de Aventura y Magia

Hay una historia que he recordado de los cuentos que mi anciano Tio Agustin, nos contaba cuando éramos niños. Hoy te la cuento a ti. Espero que te guste.

En una pequeña casa al final de un tranquilo callejón, el joven Martín pasaba las vacaciones con su abuela. Una tarde, mientras exploraba el desván, encontró un antiguo reloj de pared cubierto de polvo. Su diseño era magnífico, con intrincados grabados de flores y animales. Sin pensarlo, se acercó y al tocarlo, el reloj cobró vida.


—¡Hola, pequeño aventurero! —dijo el reloj con una voz profunda y resonante—. Soy Cronos, el guardián del tiempo. He estado esperando a alguien como tú.

Martín, sorprendido pero emocionado, no podía creer lo que escuchaba. El reloj le explicó que cada hora contenía un cuento de épocas pasadas y que había una misión que solo él podía cumplir.

Cronos le reveló que había tres … Leer Más