values for children

A story of abuse and humiliation with redemption

On this occasion, I want to tell you a story of abuse and humiliation with redemption. The story takes place in an elementary school where there was typically a group of abusive boys and a girl who received their attacks silently and without protest.


In a small town called Armonía, there lived two children with very different personalities. Carla, a kind and humble girl, was always willing to help her classmates at school. Martín, on the other hand, was very proud and often made fun of others, especially Carla, because he thought that being nice was a sign of weakness.

At school, Martin led a group of children who made fun of everything and everyone, especially Carla. They called her «Carla the Complaisant» because she always offered her help to everyone. Carla felt sad and alone, but she remained kind, hoping that one day Martín and his group would … Leer Más

The mystery of the Enchanted Forest – Children’s Story with Moral

Once upon a time, in a small town surrounded by hills and rivers, there was a girl named Clara. Clara was known for her curiosity and bravery. She was always looking for new adventures and mysteries to solve.
One day, while walking in the field near her house, she discovered a path that she had never seen before.

The path was covered in golden leaves and seemed to lead to a magical forest, illuminated by a soft golden light that filtered through the trees.

«I’m going to find out what’s at the end of this path,» Clara thought excitedly. Without thinking twice, he entered the enchanted forest.

As Clara walked, she began to hear soft voices, it seemed like they were discussing something important. She looked around and saw a group of small animals gathered in a clearing. There was a white rabbit, a red fox and a wise … Leer Más

Lili the Little Swallow: An Adventure of Fear of Abandonment.

On this occasion, I want to tell you the story of the «Empty Nest».
It is a story that shows children how to solve problems, perseverance and the value of friendship in difficult times. This is an exciting adventure that will capture the imagination of children and their parents, providing valuable lessons.

Let’s go to history!

In the vibrant and mysterious heart of the enchanted forest, where every leaf and every breeze tells a story, Lili, the young swallow, faces a new day full of games and discoveries. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he returns to the nest and discovers that his mother is missing. Worry takes over, but Lili’s adventurous spirit soon leads her down a path of courage and discovery.

Simon, the wise rabbit, after listening to Lili and seeing the determination in her eyes, decides to give her an old map of the … Leer Más

Max the Rabbit and the Lion of the Valley. A Children’s Story about how to overcome fear

Today I will tell you the story of Max the brave rabbit and the Lion of the Valley.</p

Children sometimes have the fear that something unknown will attack them or their loved ones. Even some adults keep this fear hidden and suffer it without expressing it.
This story has the purpose of helping both the little ones and their parents to allay that fear. I hope it is useful to you and you like it.

In the Enchanted Forest, there lived a family of rabbits in a quiet corner.

Max, a curious and brave bunny, lived with his little sister, Luna, and his dad, Simón. The forest was a beautiful and safe place, but Luna had heard stories about the feared Lion of the Valley, and that filled her with fear.

One night, while the family was having dinner, Luna expressed her fear. “Dad, what if the lion … Leer Más

Tristan the Fox Children’s Story about Dishonesty in the Enchanted Forest

In the heart of the enchanted forest, where the trees whisper secrets and the streams sing melodies, many animals lived in harmony. Among them was Tristan, a cunning fox known for his dishonesty.

Tristan often lied to get what he wanted, without thinking about the consequences of his actions.

One day, Tristan saw Milo the raccoon picking berries. With a mischievous smile, Tristan approached him and said, «Milo, if you give me your berries, I will take you to a place where there are plenty of them, much sweeter and juicier.» Milo, confident and eager to find more berries, agreed and gave him all the ones he had collected. But Tristan never kept his promise and left, leaving Milo empty-handed.

Luna, the wise owl, watched everything from her perch in a tall oak tree. That night she called Tristan to talk.

«Tristan, dishonesty may bring you temporary benefits, … Leer Más